Setting Up the Indoor Container Garden
In the article on Indoor Gardening I identified the two different types of indoor gardens –- container and...
Constructing a Dry Creek Bed
In the last few blogs for I have discussed in general how to manage drainage problems on your lawn and have...
How to Harvest Rainwater
*PLEASE NOTE: Some areas and regions have extremely strict policies on rain water harvesting or capturing and storing...
Benefits of Harvesting Rainwater
*PLEASE NOTE: Some areas and regions have extremely strict policies on rain water harvesting or capturing and storing...
Ridding Your Indoor Plants of Bugs
If you like to have your gardening experience come from tending plants both outdoors and indoors, then you probably...
How to Pot a Plant From Your Garden
Suppose you have a beautiful garden and you want to share it with a friend. One thing you can do is to pot one of the...
Preventing Bugs From Pestering Your Houseplants
In a previous article we discussed how you can get rid of bugs that are tormenting your indoor plants. There is also a...
How to Water Your Plants While You’re on...
If you are serious about keeping your houseplants and garden healthy and well watered, then you might be the type of...
Creating a Kitchen Garden
Do you desire to have fresh herbs, vegetables and fruit with which you can cook meals for your family? Creating a...
A Living Fence
A drive through of many suburban neighborhoods in the United States reveals an easy flow from property to property. The...