Water Features That Brighten Your Property

A beautiful water feature can enhance the enjoyment of your backyard and increase the value of your home. The great news is that they don’t have to be expensive. The major goal is to design water features that fit:

  • Your budget
  • Your available space
  • Your lifestyle

Before beginning, take into consideration the amount of space you have to work with. For those who have a large backyard area or even acreage, your possibilities are limitless. But if you’re working with a smaller yard, then you want to make sure you don’t overcrowd the space with a large pond or swimming pool. Just about every family wants and needs a green space where the pets and kids can run around and play. So, the first tip is don’t overbuild for your space.

Don’t overbuild for your budget either. Stay within a reasonable amount and you’ll be able to enjoy your outdoor space much more. When you think about the types of things you and your family enjoy doing outdoors, be realistic. If you live in a colder climate and no one in the family is really into swimming or water sports, then a swimming pool wouldn’t be a good choice for you. But a Koi Pond might work. Koi do take some care though, so decide ahead of time who will be in charge of that.

A way to begin your outdoor water features might be to have a Saturday morning meeting out in the backyard with the whole family. Talk about what each of you would like to see in a water feature. Try to agree on what would be fun, useful and affordable. Next, decide whether this is a DIY project that the family can complete mostly on their own or if you will need some professional help.

Koi Pond – Photo Courtesy of Rschaubhut at Pixabay

When it comes to excavation, most of us will need to hire help. Look around town; ask your neighbors or check the newspapers for local companies that perform excavation. If possible, try to get several bids on the work. If you are working with a small backyard space, then you may choose to simply purchase a lovely fountain and hook that up with constantly flowing water. This can add a serene and elegant touch to your yard but it won’t take much work to get it done.

Local nurseries and garden centers often sell fountains of all sizes. You can also add rocks to the bottom or around the edges and that’s the fun of water gardening; it’s easy and inexpensive and there are so many creative things you can do with it.

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About Carolyn S

Carolyn is a Texas-based author, copywriter and editor who has written thirty novels available on Amazon. Her work is always fresh and creative. She currently work as a free-lance copywriter and has written thousands of articles and content for many types of businesses including the financial sector, Internet Marketing, landscapers, accountants and other businesses worldwide.