Now that we’re barely into February 2021, it’s time for gardeners to get serious about the upcoming growing season. For some regions of the country it’s actually time to start growing. For other areas, not quite. Here is a review of what you could be doing this month to assure that your garden will flourish come the spring.
February Gardening In Planting Zone Three
For gardeners in the Department of Agriculture Hardiness Map Zone 3, the excitement should be building. Growing time is almost here. In the meantime, it’s time to begin to start your seeds.
Gather the seeds you want to start and the materials you’ll need to start them indoors. Good start seed containers in which to place seed include:
• Paper Mache Planters
• Toilet Paper Pots (rolls)
• Lemon Rinds
• Egg Shells
• Heat Mat
• Egg Cartons
• Paper Cups
• Portable Greenhouse
• Winter Sow
February Gardening In Planting Zone Four
For gardeners in this zone, it’s just about time to get your hands dirty. This month you can start growing pansies, lettuce, onions, and celery, but the beginning must be done indoors under grow lights.
February Gardening In Planting Zone Five

Gardeners in this zone can also prepare for the growing season with a start indoors. You too can follow the suggestion to the Zone Four gardeners and start growing lettuce, onions, and celery under grow lights.
You can also take advantage of your location to start using a greenhouse or cold frame and begin direct sowing some seeds outdoors.
Gardening In Planting Zone Six
Wait just a few more weeks into February and you gardeners in this region can start outdoor work. Once the ground thaws, you’ll be able to plant bushes, roses, and trees.
It’s also a good time to prune the trees and shrubs already established in your yard. Although these plants are still dormant, it’s a great time to get a leg up on your gardening contemporaries.
Gardening In Planting Zone Seven
If you live in this zone, then it’s an ideal time to start transplanting any lettuce, cabbage, and onion plants that have had some time to start growing indoors and plant them outdoors.
However, it’s still February, so there will probably be some cold nights during which these transplanted outdoor plants will need to be covered to protect them from conditions.
And, there are some seeds that can be directly sown in your garden outdoors. Crops that you can now sow include spinach, peas, turnips and tougher varieties of lettuce.
You can also start herb, petunias and snapdragons indoors. They will need a grow light to help them progress.
Gardening In Planting Zone Eight
Gardeners in this zone can prepare their soil for the growing season. Check soil of your raised beds around trees and shrubs to see if the mulch or compost you applied has disappeared during the winter. If so, and maybe if not, it’s a good idea to add more compost as needed.
At about the third or fourth week of February, you can plant potatoes and direct sow leaf lettuce and other plant greens. Sow the greens every other week to sustain the harvest.
Prune and mulch already established roses and prune fruit trees you have growing on your property.
February Gardening In Planting Zone Nine
Gardeners in this region should also start preparing your soil for planting. Add compost and rotted manure.
Start petunias and geraniums indoors. And plant bushes, trees and roses outdoors. Now is also a good time to direct sow radishes, peas, carrots, spinach, onions. And cabbage.
February Gardening In Planting Zone Ten
Gardeners in this region will be happy to learn that it’s time to get your hands dirty. You can direct sow cucumbers, corn, radishes, beets, and carrots into your garden.
Be aware, however, that there still may be some frost in the area in the next few weeks, to be prepared to protect the crop.
This is also a good month to start some okra and sweet potatoes indoors.