Families often spend time on weekends going to the lake for fishing or boating activities and these are wholesome ways to spend quality time with family and friends. But staying home has its perks too. There’s nothing better than hamburgers and hot dogs grilled over an open flame right out your back door.
The more time you spend outside in your own backyard, the more you may realize how many fun things you can do to make your backyard truly an oasis. It’s really more than an inexpensive way to get together with your friends and family and have a great time. It’s an exceptional way to make valuable improvements to your property. Whether you want to build a beautiful outdoor kitchen or just install an irrigation system so you don’t have to water the grass anymore, you usually get most of your investment back when you sell.
One thing that creates curb appeal and makes a house truly a home is planting flowers. There are a number of varieties which provide beauty but also fragrance. It’s important to choose hardy varieties that can withstand the unique climate where you live. There are many aromatic choices and that’s the first thing to know about attracting hummingbirds: you must plant fragrant flowers.
So, what are some varieties that would do well in your yard?
Morning Glory
Morning glory is one species that’s very hardy but also fragrant and beautiful. They come in many shades of blue, purple and pink. They love to climb so this would be an excellent choice for a trellis or fence. Morning Glory is known by several different names throughout the world: water spinach and swamp cabbage are two. This is a very popular green vegetable in the East and in Asian cuisines and parts of the plant are edible. Hummingbirds are drawn to this flower because of its sweet fragrance and the shape of its flowers.
Four O’Clock
This is another very aromatic flower that produces beautifully colorful flowers. They bloom in the afternoons, hence the name. Four O’Clocks also produce trumpet shaped flowers like the Morning Glory and this seems to be one thing that Hummingbirds love.

You most often see Honeysuckle growing wild in the country along an old broken down wooden fence. You normally see yellow or gold varieties but they also come in pinks and purples. This is a very hardy plant. Once you get it started, it will flourish regardless of weather or soil conditions. You could build your very own wood fence around one area of your backyard and place a lovely fountain nearby.
Whether you decide to do it yourself or not, you’ll want to look around at the available plants for your area. You can get so many creative ideas by walking through the garden supply center at your local nursery. There you’ll find fountains, landscaping rocks, pavers and boulders. Use these to create a lovely waterfall where birds can come and bathe each day. All it takes is a little imagination to give your yard the look of a professionally landscaped place.
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