You’re looking to expand your landscape, but you don’t have a lot of room. You’re considering planting trees, but believe that they’re too large for your small plot of land.
Don’t give up on trees. Believe it or not, there are small trees available that can still provide some depth and height to your landscape. Many of these trees grow to only 5-feet to 8-feet tall. And some that grow a little bit taller are not as wide as you might think.
Here are five trees that are small enough not to overwhelm a smallish plot of land.
Smoke tree

Achieving a height of only about 8-feet, with some species reaching as high as 12-feet, the smoke tree features inflorescent flower puffs that have an uncanny smoke-like appearance, thus its name. The flowers bloom in summer and the leaves are colorful with species of this tree displaying purple or gold. They are ideal in Zones 4-8 of the Department of Agriculture Hardiness Zones.
Columnar Maple Tree

This tree can grow fairly tall, as much as 30-feet, but it isn’t as wide as bigger trees, only growing to about 10-feet. Accustomed to small spaces, this tree shows dark green foliage and can resist summer heat as well as Japanese beetles. And in the fall, the foliage appears on fire.
Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce Tree

You probably imagine spruce trees growing very tall. However, this particular specie of spruce achieves a height of between 3 to 5 feet and only 5 to 6 feet wide. Moreover, with just a little pruning every two years or so, it can be even smaller. The needles are bright blue and hold that color all year ‘round. It’s available in either shrub or tree form and is ideal for Zones 2-8.
Tamarisk Tree

Also known as a salt cedar, this tree is known more as a garden plant that reaches a height of 10 to 15-feet. This specie is actually mentioned in the Bible. It forms thickets when grown in the wild and can grow as a standalone if pruned occasionally. It displays bright pink flowers in summer and juniper-like foliage in the fall and spring. It’s drought resistant and also endures deer. It is ideal for Zones 3-8.
Tiger Eyes Sumac Tree

This tree resembles a shrub and grows to only 3 to 6 feet tall and wide. It displays chartreuse foliage that turns orange and red in the fall and produces fruit in the summer. Yes, as you probably wondered when seeing sumac in the name, there are some people who are allergic to its sap. It is ideal for zones 4-8.