Controlling Fleas on Your Lawn

With summer already hear, the weather has gotten hot. For the most part, this is a good thing—people and pets alike can spend more time outside enjoying their lawns and getting exercise. At the same time, however, warm weather makes it so that you have to be on the lookout for harmful insects, some of which can be a nuisance for homeowners and pets. In this post, we review what you need to do to ensure that fleas do not inundate your lawn, and what you should do in the event that you have an outbreak of fleas.

A Cat Suffering from Fleas

Which conditions do fleas thrive in?

More than anything else fleas love warm, humid weather, so keep a sharp eye out for them during the summer months. Broadly speaking, theytend to make their presence known from April through November, as they can handle temperatures of 50 degrees or higher. They thrive in damp areas, and also love shade. Even though people tend to associate fleas with pets, they can also attack humans as well. They are annoying for many reasons; not only do they cause itching and skin irritation, but they can transmit diseases that are particularly harmful for pets.

How can you tell if you have fleas?

Even though they are tiny, checking for fleas is actually a relatively simple affair. Comb your pets with a brush, and if you notice small black droppings on them, this means you have them. To check whether you have fleas in your yard, walk around your yard while wearing white socks. If you notice black droppings on your socks, this tells you that you have fleas. Pay particularly close attention to shady, damp regions of your yard when checking for them.

How should you treat fleas in your yard?

Treating fleas is comprehensive and should be undertaken with serious care. Eliminate dead plants and debris, which is where they tend to reside and breed. Mow the lawn and remove weeds. In addition, logs of wood, leaves, and rocks should all be discarded, as these are all prime locations for them. Once you’ve finished cleaning your yard, the last step is to thoroughly hose down your yard. Even though we usually recommend against flooding your lawn, you want to flood it when getting rid of fleas, as they will be unable to handle the standing water. As an additional note, if you only have a flea infestation in a concentrated region of your yard, you don’t need to worry about treating other areas of your property.

There is no doubt that fleas are among the more unpleasant pests you can encounter, as they create discomfort both indoors and outside. Be sure to check for fleas on a regular basis and if you do notice them, apply the tips offered in this article to swiftly deal with your flea infestation.

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