Much of the United States is experiencing extremely hot temperatures. In some of these regions, hot temperatures sometimes lead to extremely high humidity. And everyone knows how uncomfortable that can be.
Well, believe it or not, there are houseplants that can help lower humidity in your home.
Indoor humidity can result in mustiness, dampness, and even mold. Obviously, these problems have health consequences. Many homeowners use dehumidifiers. However, a much more natural remedy to high humidity in your home is houseplants.
Most plants get moisture from the air through the pores on their leaves. Many of these plants are extremely efficient at the process and actually harvest much of their moisture through their leaves.
Through this process, plants remove humidity that can build up in your home.
8 Houseplants That Reduce Indoor Humidity
There are eight plants that can help minimize humidity in your home. They include:
• Peace Lily
• Boston Fern
• Palms
• Orchids
• Spider Plant
• Tillandsia
• Cactus
• English Ivy
Peace Lily

(Courtesy: noblood53 at
Peace Lily is an ideal plant for removing excess humidity even when it is watered regularly. It needs only minimum sunlight to thrive. So it should be a snap growing it indoors. An extra benefit of the plant is that it also purifies the air as it dehumidifies it.
Boston Fern

(Courtesy: munsterinc at
Boston Fern flourishes in more moist conditions than many plants and as a result naturally absorbs the moisture in the air, balancing out humidity levels and making your home more comfortable. This plant only requires moist soil and indirect sunlight to do well indoors. You may have to mist the air around the plant somewhat if conditions become dry during the winter.

(Courtesy: virgohicker at
Palms thrive in humid, tropical areas and will absorb moisture through their leaves. In addition, lady palm, areca palm, bamboo palm and reed palm help to reduce indoor air pollutants including formaldehyde. The plant is easy to care for, especially the reed palm, which thrives in lower light and can grow indoors. The only requirement is to keep the soil moist all of the time.

(Courtesy: Pierrick Lecturecinema at
This plant flourishes harmlessly on other objects including plants. It definitely reduces humidity indoors as it receives nutrients and moisture from the air around it.
Spider Plant

(Courtesy: dipsydoodlenoodle at
Very popular as houseplants due to their low maintenance and appearance, the spider plant survives well in very little or low light. Besides reducing humidity, it also removes up to 90 percent of harmful indoor air pollutants.

(Courtesy: rudolphjones43 at
This particular plant flourishes better indoors. It can be placed on a sunny windowsill to get filtered sunlight and can live off the nutrients and moisture in the air because it absorbs both through its leaves. The plant should be watered a minimum of two to three times a week to ensure its survival.

Cactus thrives extremely well in desert conditions outdoors and requires a minimum amount of water. They are known for growing well in severe temperatures and have thick stems and waxy or hairy leaves. The stems and leaves actually catch and keeps water from the air and thus reduces humidity indoors.
English Ivy

(Courtesy: Maryann at
Ideal for pets because it helps to minimize airborne fecal matter, English Ivy absorbs formaldehyde, which appears in furniture, household cleaning products, and carpet treatments. It also removes molds that appear in humid conditions. It is very easy to maintain and needs little sunlight. You just keep the soil moist. It is suggested that it be put in hanging pots so it can absorb rising humidity.