Bet you thought that gardening could only be done during the day. However, what happens if you live in a region of the country where it sizzles in the summer. If you’re a gardener who lives in this condition, you are more tempted than not to skip the gardening work on days that are extremely hot.
So be cool! There is no law that says that you have to garden just in the daytime. You can do it at night when the environment is much cooler.
Nighttime flowers have a wonderful scent and you can select species that attract night-flying insects that pollinate them. The key to luring these critters is to focus on pale color plants that show up in low light and plants that propel a scent as dusk falls.
Moreover, a pale plant shows up much better when the background is dark and dense. Yew hedges have proven to be ideal for this. A privet hedge also works well as does a dark brown fence.
Hedges are also ideal for capturing the scent and not allowing it to blow away. Use hedges to filter the wind and help concentrate scents around seating areas of your lawn.
Another thing to keep in mind when planning your night garden is to select plants that show their beauty at night. Some basic concepts to focus on when selecting species of plants for your night garden include:
· White flowering plants
· Night-flowering plants
· Plants with fragrant nighttime flowers
· Plants with bright patterns on foliage
· Plants with silver leaves
When selecting plants for a night garden in your region refer to the U.S. Climate Zone Map.
White Flowers
Night-Flowering Plants and Night-Fragrant Plants
Bright Foliage Plants
(Images from