Once again it’s spring and time to take out the tools you’ll need to keep your lawn in good shape. One such tool is the weed wacker or trimmer. Like any other mechanical device, your trimmer should be prepared for use.
What’s so important about a trimmer is that it can cut areas of your lawn that your lawn mower has trouble reaching.
There are a number of things to consider when preparing your trimmer for spring work. They include:
• Power supply
• Which are the best weed wackers
• Handling the weed wacker
• Extra features
Power Supply
Weed wackers are available to a variety of power supplies:
• Gas
• Corded electric
• Cordless battery powered

When looking for power, the best option is the gas-powered trimmer. Not only that, gas powered trimmers are cordless. So there is freedom of movement.
Still, there are disadvantages to gas-powered trimmers. For example, they’re louder than electric trimmers and they are also heavier. In addition, it takes more time to maintain this style of trimmer.
Corded Electric
Corded electric trimmers have the disadvantage of being tethered to the electric cord. Their advantage is that they are lightweight and easy to handle.
Cordless Battery Powered
Perhaps the greatest advantage of the cordless battery powered trimmer is its freedom of use. It is not tethered to the electric cord, so you can use it to weed whack the entire lawn. Moreover, this style of wacker is very easy to use.
Of course, as is the case with every lawn tool, it does have a drawback. You need to select a trimmer that has a battery that is chargeable. There are trimmers that include batteries that allow for double the coverage area.
The Advantage Of Lightweight Trimmers
Many say that the lightweight trimmers are the best option. Electric models are the lightest alternative. However, there are differences between models that operated off the same type of power supply.
Those in the know suggest that you opt for the lightest whacker. You will be handling the machine for long periods of time and a lighter tool is just plain easier to handle.
Extra Features
Of course, trimmers are available with a variety of extra features that make them easy to use and more versatile. For example, there are models that convert into edgers. In this case, the whacker includes a wheeled edger that changes position.
Whackers also are available with multiple speed setting for cutting under a variety of conditions, telescoping shafts to adjust the height of the tool and there are models that include an automatic feed of the trimmer line that lets out more line when needed.
Maintaining A Gas-Powered Weed Wacker
As mentioned, gas-powered weed wackers require a maintenance routine to assure that they perform properly.
When you first pull your trimmer out of storage you need to check the overall status of the machine. Check for loose screws and nuts and retighten them. Also inspect for broken parts including the protection guard and assure that there is enough line to cut the grass through the spring.
It is also advised that you check the air filter and clean or replace it if it’s dirty or damaged. If it is equipped with a foam filter, it can be washed in warm soapy water.
It is also important to check the condition of the spark plug and replace it if necessary. The trimmer won’t start if the plug is bad.
It is also advised that you let the trimmer warm up a bit after turning it on.
Maintenance For The Whole Season
It is advised that you clean the trimmer frequently. Focus particularly on the intake vents near the air filter. You should also clean the air filter regularly. It is recommended that the filter be cleaned every 5 hours of work or more often when working it in dry and dusty condition.
Regularly check the gas tank, fuel tube, and filter. In addition, before adding fuel, let the engine cool down a bit to prevent a fire.
If you own a 4-cycle trimmer, inspect the oil level regularly and change the oil when it’s dirty. Once a season should be sufficient if you don’t use it often.
If you use the trimmer approximately once a month, it is recommended that you add stabilizer to the fuel.
Finally, there are things you need to do with the trimmer after the season to assure that it works properly the next spring. This includes:
• Cleaning the unit thoroughly of debris and dirt.
• Add stabilizer to a full tank of fresh gas and run the engine for a few minutes to distribute the substance entirely through the fuel line and carburetor.
• If you own a 4-cyle unit, change the oil to assure against rust and store the trimmer in a clean and dry space.
(Sources: worx.com and garden.hivefly.com)