You probably don’t view your garden at night. So, you don’t know the critters that appear there once the sun has set.
Night creatures that benefit to your garden include hedgehogs. They like feeding on slugs, snails and other plant pests.
However, the hedgehog population has been declining is recent years, down as much as 30 percent, according to the Wildlife Trust. An effort of support is needed to bring these creatures back.
A way you can helps a revitalization of the hedgehog population is to create so-called “hedgehog Highways” –- a hole with boundaries that permit the critter to roam freely.
Hedgehogs travel quite a long distance at night. However, fences obstruct their sojourns. If you want to assist with a revival of these animals, cut a hole 13cm x 13cm into the fence so they can gain access.
They also love cat or dog food as long as fish isn’t included. Put some out in the months of April to October. If you are considering putting out milk for them, don’t. The beverage is too rich for them to digest and can make them sick. A shallow dish of fresh water would be nice.
Owls are one of the few night creatures around that are birds. Owls are ideal creatures for a garden because they eat mice and other rodents as well as some kinds of birds. Studies have determined that they fly high in the sky looking for prey. They live in holes in trees and like nest boxes to move into.

No doubt, when you think of nocturnal creatures, bats probably come to mind. Although there isn’t many bat species that frequent gardens, but there are some that include the long-eared bat that have super-sensitive hearing. They fly three miles high over the landscape looking for prey and can actually hear a ladybug walking on a leaf.

Foxes are common to gardens in both the city and rural areas. They favor hunting in darkness. They’re scavengers and eat a variety of insects, small mammals, and birds. They love dog and cat food as long as there is no fish.
A typical garden can attract more than 200 species of moth. They visit gardens searching for blooming flowers for the nectar.
Common moth species are hawk and angle shades moths. The angle shades moth has brown wings that appear crumpled when folded so they are camouflage among dry leaves.
Moths are attracted to a light shining against a white wall.
Deer is another animal that is attracted to gardens. They enjoy eating plants and trees. Deer that frequent gardens include roe and muntjac.
The muntjacs are the size of dogs and actually make a barking sound. They are native to the UK and China.
Most nocturnal animals don’t like light and scatter when you try to illuminate a garden to see them. However, you might be able to see them if you cover a light with a red filter like cellophane. Many nocturnal creatures can’t see red light.