Lawn Care
Lawn care tips by LawnEq include tips for caring for your lawn in different seasons and condition types.
Making a Backyard Pond
One of the most common ways of improving one’s property value is to make renovations that enhance curb appeal. While...
Why a Brush Chipper May Be Worth It
In earlier posts, we’ve discussed the many benefits of mulching and composting. Both are terrific ways of improving...
The Robot Mower
In today’s society, everyone loves their technology, and the robot mower is just one of the latest examples of...
All About Bird Feeders
The bird feeder is a rewarding component of any lawn. With summer fast approaching, it’s only natural that you want...
Is Mowing Backwards Okay?
One of the great truisms of lawn mowing is that mowing backwards is not okay. Even so, mowing backwards continues to be...
What to Look for in a Leaf Rake
The leaf rake is a lawn care instrument that has admittedly fallen out of favor with the emergence of more...
Dealing with Lawn Traffic
It’s pretty easy to grasp the fact that your lawn has a difficult time withstanding high traffic. At the same time,...
Pruning: What it is and When You Should Do It
Pruning is a time-honored lawn care procedure, and for good reason. There are multiple forms of pruning, but they all...
The Dangers of Mowing Tall Grass
As we move into summer, tall grass becomes an increasingly greater problem. For one thing, your grass is finally...
Lawn Care and Septic Tanks
There is no doubt that septic tanks are one of the more unpleasant lawn care considerations. If you use a municipal...