Keeping up with the maintenance of a farm tractor is essential if you want it to last for a long period of time. There are some maintenance routines that you need to perform on a regular basis to ensure long life and proper operation. One of the essential routines is changing the oil.

Use a felt marker to write the date of the oil change and the number of hours on the tractor onto the side of the new filter.
Kubota suggests that you change the oil on your Kubota tractor every 75 to 120 hours. It is advised that you review the owner’s manual for exact service intervals. Doing due diligence and checking the owner’s manual for your Kubota tractor will also provide you with information on the part number of the replacement oil filter that you will need as well as the oil capacity of the engine that powers the tractor. If you don’t have an owner’s manual for your particular tractor, then visit the Kubota website and purchase one.
Preparing To Change The Oil
Performing an oil change should take no more than 10-minutes. The expense for the endeavor is the cost of the filter and oil.
Items you will need to perform the work include:
· A 19mm wrench or socket
· Oil filter wrench
· Replacement oil filter
· 15W-40 replacement oil
· Funnel
· Large measuring cup
· Catch basin for the old oil
· Felt tip marker
The process of how to change the oil of the tractor includes:
· Draining the old oil
· Removing the old oil filter
· Installing a new oil filter
· Adding new oil
How To Change The Oil
1. Place the catch basin under the section of the tractor from which the oil will drain.
2. Use the 19mm wrench to loosen the drain plug. Some Kubota L Series tractors feature two drain plugs that must be removed. There are two plugs on some of the L Series models because the drive shaft is located in the middle of the oil pan, so the pan is split in two to accommodate.
3. You may have to remove one of the engine side covers depending on the model tractor you are working on to gain access to the oil filter. It is also advised that you remove the front-end loader if your particular model is equipped with one.
4. Use the filter wrench to remove the old oil filter.
5. Spill the half-cup of oil remaining in the filter into the catch basin.
6. Remove the new oil filter from its box and use your finger to apply some old oil around it for lubrication. The lubrication helps to prevent the new filter from burning onto the side of the engine block under hot conditions.
7. Clean the surface of the new filter that mates to the filter holder.
8. Spin on the new filter
9. Hand tighten it. Don’t tighten too much. You will have to remove it someday.
10. Once all of the oil has drained from the tractor remove the catch basin from under the tractor.
11. Clean and inspect the drain plug for cracks and wear.
12. If the plug looks okay, then thread it back in and give it a one-quarter turn with the 19mm wrench. Don’t tighten too much.
13. Take the measuring cup and the 15W-40 oil and pour the proper amount of oil you will need into the cup.
14. Locate the oil cap on the top of the engine and remove it.
15. Drop the funnel into the channel.
16. Pour new oil into the engine.
17. Replace the oil cap.
18. Check the dip stock to assure that the oil level is correct.
19. Use the felt marker to write the date and number of hours on your tractor on to the oil filter. This will help you determine when to perform the next oil change.
Our thanks to for the information we used to write this article. The website has a plethora of articles describing how to maintain and care for Kubota tractors and mowers and is a great source for anyone who owns a Kubota product. The Photos that appear here are also courtesy of the site.