Every once in a while you discover that something that you keep in the pantry in the kitchen or the medicine cabinet in the bathroom can do a whole lot more than you thought they could do.
Take hydrogen peroxide. You probably have a bottle on hand because it’s an ideal bleaching agent and disinfectant. But it also does a whole lot of good for plants.
When diluted with water the solution does all its good for plants because it generates antimicrobial and oxygen properties. It’s able to do that because of its chemical makeup -– H2O2. The chemical property is similar to water. The difference is an extra oxygen atom that breaks down and releases water. The extra oxygen atom make hydrogen peroxide a miracle for plants.
The extra oxygen atoms contained in the solution break down and release molecules of water. Moreover, when applied to soil and plants, it serves as a supplement of oxygen and aerates the soil. Because the substance decomposes into oxygen and water, it is highly environmentally friendly and safe to use in organic gardens.
The solution’s benefits to plants include:
• Battles Root Rot
• Fights Fungal Infections
• Sanitizes Seeds
• Accelerates Seed Germination
• Disinfects Tools, Pots, and Greenhouses
• Fertilizes Plants
• Beneficial for Aquaponics and Hydroponics Gardens
• Keeps Pests Away
• Prevents Bacterial Rot
• Kills Weeds
Battles Root Rot
It’s probably happen to you. All gardeners have probably done it, especially when they first start that hobby. The problem is overwatering your garden. When it happens it causes a shortage of oxygen at the roots of plants. That’s because the excess water fills the spaces of air in the soil and suffocates the roots of plants. Plants begin dying just 24 hours after being overwatered.

(Courtesy: Nasim Binesh at flickr.com)
The wonder solution hydrogen peroxide saves them. When you overwater your plants, mix a solution of one-quart water and 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. The extra oxygen in the solution supplies the plant’s roots with essential oxygen they weren’t getting.
It’s advised that you don’t water the plants after the application of hydrogen peroxide until the top 2-inches of the soil is completely dried.
Fights Fungal Infections
Like neem oil, hydrogen peroxide kills plant fungus. In fact, it kills every single type of fungi that could harm your plants. Fungi make plants weak and prevent them from growing.
Use a mixture of 4-teaspoons of 3-percent hydrogen peroxide concentrate with 1-pint of water on plants that show signs of powdery mildew, rust, white, spots, and other fungal infections.
Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it on any plant that appears to have fungal infection. Be sure to use the proper formula of hydrogen peroxide to water or you could burn the tissue of the plants.
Sanitizes Seeds
Hydrogen peroxide prevents seed-borne pathogens from killing seeds. Heat 3-percent hydrogen peroxide concentration to 140°F and soak your seeds in it for 5-minutes.
If you grow sprouts for planting, then it is essential that you disinfect the tray that holds them to prevent foodborne illnesses from threatening them. Foodborne illnesses include e-coli, salmonella, and listeria. Soak the sprout sees in 3-percent hydrogen peroxide for 5-munites. Once that’s done, thoroughly wash off the seeds with running water for 1-minute.
Accelerate Seed Germination
Hydrogen peroxide is a fantastic substance that can help germinate seeds faster. It also helps to encourage healthy growth. When the hydrogen peroxide breaks down, it releases oxygen. A high level of oxygen is essential for sprouting seeds and ensures growth.
Mix 3-percent hydrogen peroxide concentrate with water and soak the seeds in the solution for 30 minutes. Once that’s done, rinse the seeds with water before you plant them.
It is also important to mix hydrogen peroxide into the soil when you sow the seeds. You should also use a weak solution of it when you water your garden the first week after sowing the seeds to ensure that pathogens that are present in the soil are killed.
Disinfect Tools, Pots, and Greenhouses
Hydrogen peroxide is often used to sterilize laboratories and medical facilities. It is also ideal for doing the same to pots, seed trays, and other containers. Clean containers with 6 percent to 9 percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
It’s also a good idea to dip your pruning tools into hydrogen peroxide before using them to prune plants.
Fertilizes Plants
The extra oxygen molecule in hydrogen peroxide helps plant absorb much-needed minerals and nutrients from the soil. Mix 1-gallon of warm water with one teaspoon of 3-percent hydrogen peroxide concentration in a medium-sized container. Stir the concoction to ensure that it is well mixed. Pour the solution into the soil around your plants. The mixture is also beneficial for plant growing in pots.
Benefits of Aquaponics and Hydroponics Gardens
Adding hydrogen peroxide to the water of aquaponic and hydroponic gardens will keep them healthy. The aquatic life and the plant roots will benefit from the boost of oxygen and prevent root rot, which is a common condition of hydroponic gardens.
Keep Pests Away
Sap-sucking insects including fungus gnats, stink bugs, and houseflies as well as their eggs and larvae present a threat to gardens. Hydrogen peroxide gets rid of them.
Mix 1-cup of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide concentrate with 1-cup of water. Stir the solution to ensure that it mixes thoroughly. Pour it into a plastic or glass spray bottle and spry it on your garden. The hydrogen peroxide solution will also kill bacteria that may be developing on your fruits and vegetables.
Prevent Bacterial Rot
Bacteria that start as mold or mildew can infect your plants and turn them to mush. Hydrogen peroxide sanitizes the plants and kills the bacteria. The reason for such a infliction on your plants is cuts and bruises on their tissue. However, insects can also spread the bacteria.
Spray a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water on freshly cut plants and tree branches to prevent the spread of bacteria. The solution also works to prepare bulbs and tubers for storage. Dip them in hydrogen peroxide to prevent bacteria rot from appearing while in storage.
Kills Weeds
Gardeners who wish to rid their property of weeds and who are concerned about effecting the environment are urged to use hydrogen peroxide. It lacks any toxic chemicals and, as noted, is eco-friendly.
It is suggested that a 10-percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide be used. However care should be taken. 10-percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide can harm vegetation. So be cautious when using the substance around plants.
If any amount of the solution splashes on your hands or in your eyes, flush the problem area with a lot of cold water.
(Source: tipsbulletin.com)