Lawn Care and Septic Tanks

There is no doubt that septic tanks are one of the more unpleasant lawn care considerations. If you use a municipal sewer system, this post may not be particularly applicable, but it is still useful to understand the effects that private septic tanks can have on your lawn. In this post, we review what you need to do to protect your septic tank and prevent it from negatively impacting your lawn.

septic tank

Septic Tanks Don’t Have to Compromise Your Lawn’s Appearance

What are the effects of septic tanks on lawns?

Septic tanks are integral in handling waste. However, when they break down, they emit wastewater that is damaging to the lawn. Grass growing near septic tanks tends to grow at a much more rapid clip than the rest of your lawn. Making matters worse, the septic tank can generate heat that can dry out the lawn and turn it yellow.

How should you deal with septic tanks?

First of all, septic tanks need to be cleaned on a regular basis. They should be pumped either every year or every other. Also, be sure that you don’t put lots of household chemicals down the drains, as the chemicals can wreak havoc on the lawn. Don’t grow any trees directly adjacent to the septic tank, as the roots will clog up the system. Trees that are located in relative proximity to the septic tank should also be selected carefully, as you really need to be sure that they will not invade the tank. It is important to remember that there are certain trees that are less invasive. These include red and silver maples, weeping willows, American elms, cedars, and pussy willows. Meanwhile, trees that particularly invasive include sugar or Norway maples, white and green ash, white pine, and white oak. Obviously, you will also have to look into whether your climate is conducive to growing these trees, but just be sure that you do not plant an invasive tree near your septic tank.

The septic tank performs a valuable function but can also have a damaging effect on your lawn. If a tree does invade your tank, removal is incredibly costly, so planting near a septic tank must be handled with care. In the end, it is absolutely crucial that you pump out your tank on a regular basis, are careful to plant trees that are not invasive, and do not pour harmful chemicals down your drain. If you do this, you should be able to arrive at the delicate balance between maintaining a healthy septic tank while keeping a beautiful lawn.


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