Preparing for Spring – March Tasks

As March comes in like a lion, it’s time to start putting into action some of the thoughts you have had for your lawn and garden over the winter. March is the month for getting your lawn and garden off to a good start. Make no mistake, this March will likely be incredibly difficult – a rough winter that is still punishing the majority of the United States continues to make sure of that. Here are some of ideas of how to make the best usage of the month to make sure your lawn and garden has the best chance.

Early March

If you are planning to plant bulbs, this is the time of the year to get them out of cold storage, with plants like geraniums, tulips and daffodils being primed for potting to get them started.

This is also the best tie for yard clean-up. In all likelihood, the storms and poor weather have brought down branches, small and large, as well as other debris. If this was all buried under massive snow, your yard will look like a game of pick-up sticks once the snow completely melts. This is an activity that can be done when it is still cold, so bundle u and get out there early.


The second or third weekend of the month is the best time to address the damage to trees or necessary pruning. Take off dead branches, as well as growth that may threaten wires or property. Don’t worry about covering up the wounds, or if sap leaks out – this is natural, and actually healthy for the tree. You will want to spray your deciduous trees with dormant oil though, to kill off harmful insects who may have spent the winter on the trees.

Even though they may have begun budding by now, you’ll want to prune early-flowering bushes such as lilac and forsythia while you’re cutting back the trees. It needs to be done before the plant is fully-flowered, if you want it to stay healthy.

Finally, get your lawn mower serviced before the rush. Everyone will likely wait until the temperatures hit the 50s, so get your mower in early.

Late March

By late March, all of snow should have melted off of your lawn and gardens. Check areas that were covered for long periods of time for snow mold, as well as for pest tunnels. If you still have standing patches of snow, remove it or spread it across the lawn so that it melts.

If you have a compost pile, it’s time to get that up and moving again. Get out and turn over the pile a few times, particularly on nice, sunny days.

If you are planting vegetables, some seeds such as celery, cabbage, and broccoli can be planted and started indoors and transferred into your outdoor garden once frost is gone for good.

Finally, do a once over of everything you have planned and gathered over the winter and make sure you haven’t left anything out.

All of this should set you up for a great spring, so get cracking as soon as you have free time.

About AndrewT

Written by Andrew T for LawnEq - The specialists for Lawn Mower Parts and Small Engine Parts. We offer genuine premium OEM parts for Land Pride, Toro and many more dependable brands.