Those of us who like to pursue hobbies should be happy about the lockdown due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. It provides more time to putter in your garden and it has caused a boom in retail store sales of garden-related products.

In the early days of the Pandemic, empty grocery shelves became an incentive for people to go out and buy seeds and fruit plants to start their own garden for sustenance.
Gardening centers and hardware stores became the places to go to buy gardening equipment. Store personnel placed the purchase items on sidewalks in front of their stores so that customers could pick them up without violating social distancing rules.
I guess many state governors understood the potential popularity of gardening during the lockdown. Many classified gardening centers and hardware stores essential businesses that could stay open when other businesses were shuttered.
The tradition of crisis gardening that was created during the two world wars sparked people to return to growing victory gardens from back in the day.
Many gardening stores that feared attracting too many shoppers at their brick and mortar establishment started to focus on selling their goods on the Internet.
Vegetable Gardening During The Pandemic
Americans are responding to the possibilities. A national survey discovered that the Coronavirus Pandemic has caused a spike in the existence of gardens that include edible flora. The survey showed that 30 percent of those who plant to grow their own food are gardening for the first time. Sixty five percent of respondents said that the virus was the primary reason why they took up the hobby now. Generally, everyone wanted to grow his or her own herbs, fruits, and vegetables.
The gardening trend appears to have affected younger Americans who are under the age of 35. According to the survey, about 2 in 5 people who have jumped on the gardening bandwagon due to the virus are under 35.
Gardening retailers who are doing best during the pandemic gardening phenomenon are catering to this age group and offering plant varieties that accommodate homes with limited space. Some of these stores are focused on customers who wish to grow container and vertical gardens due to the lack of space.
Those who are experienced in gardening encourage the newly involved to ease into the endeavor. They suggest that you start small. Don’t try and grow one of everything. Instead, start with a few varieties that you and your family favor for eating.
Even though space might be limited because you live in an apartment or a house on a small patch of land, there are varieties of vegetables, herbs and fruits you can grow. Choose edibles that can be grown in containers, in pots set on shelves, in hanging baskets on the porch, patio or balcony. Pick a space before purchasing the plants so that you can note the amount of sun or shade and then select plants that will accommodate those conditions.
Finally, there’s a good chance that you will be harvesting more than your family can eat. Share the extra bounty with neighbors and/or a nearby food pantry. That will help you not only enjoy the activity of gardening. It will give you a good feeling knowing you are giving back and creating a sense of community.
(Source: and