Regardless of the brand lawnmower you own, you have to maintain it properly to assure optimum performance. Also, in the case of lawnmowers, regardless the brand, there will come a time that you’ll have to replace a worn carburetor with a new one.
For a Toro Recycler 22-inch 190cc Personal Pace Lawnmower with blade override, the process of replacing a carburetor yourself is not an impossible task. If you have do-it-yourself skills, then it could be a pleasant way to waste an afternoon.
The Toro Engine
Toro uses several models of the Briggs & Stratton engine to power their lawnmowers. The engine features a powerful 4-stroke power plant. The particular model that is the subject of this article has a single side draft carburetor with no throttle. The fact that the carburetor has no throttle is not an issue. It works fine.
The lever of the handlebar of the motor does not control the speed of the engine. In this case, it releases the friction stop. So, when you press the lever, the engine operates free. Release the lever and the engine stops.
The choke is heat activated. That means it opens once the engine is running at operating temperature. The carburetor is running open. The shape and opening on the sealed air filter housing restricts the air as fuel is supplied through a siphon hole. The size of the hole is enough only to allow a specific amount of fuel at a time. When everything is working in tandem, the engine continuously generates the same RPM without the need of external adjustments.
The configuration requires regular maintenance on the air filter and the siphon hole on the carburetor needs to be cleaned regularly.
So, it makes sense that if you need to service the carburetor, you should also take a few minutes to focus on the air filter, too.

Image courtesy of Toro. LawnEQ is operated by Bahrns Equipment, a proud dealer of the Toro brand.
The Repair
Items you’ll need for the project include:
• A screwdriver
• Wrench
• New air filter
• New carburetor
First, you’ll have to remove the air filter. Use the screwdriver to loosen and then remove the top screw that holds the housing in place. Once the screw is loose, the housing will swivel. Spin it out so that you can pull it up and loose.
Next, pull out the filter and install a new one. It’s a good idea to clean the air filter housing as best as you can.
The carburetor is the next target. You will need to disconnect the fuel line before removing the carburetor. To prevent spillage of any fuel from the carburetor, have a stop ready to plug the gas line. You can pinch the line or plug it. Two bolts on each side hold the carburetor in place. Use the wrench to remove the bolts and then remove the carburetor. Clean the mounting flange. Be sure to unclip the choke lever attached at the top of the carburetor.
Once the old carburetor has been removed, insert the new carburetor. Follow the removal process explained above in reverse order to place the new product. New gaskets are supplied with the new carburetor. Be sure to use the new gaskets. Install them on the available mounting points. A gasket should go on the part of the carburetor that goes on the engine as well as the side that touches the air filter housing to the carburetor.
While you’re at it, go ahead and replace the spark plug.
The mower should work fine. However, if it doesn’t start some time during the next two months, then you can again use your DIY skills to solve the problem.
Troubleshooting A Toro Mower That Doesn’t Start
Should you confront the issue, then disassemble everything, clean the parts and then put it all back together. If the mower still doesn’t start, then the issue could be the amount of fuel that’s flowing through the siphon hole of the carburetor.
Inside the carburetor is a metering needle that monitors the amount of fuel flowing through the siphon hole. The needle is small and therefor, can be clogged very easily. The needle can be cleaned without removing the whole carburetor assembly. In fact, the carburetor can remain on the mower as the needle is cleaned.
You need to focus on the fuel bowl, which is on the lower section of the carburetor. In the center of the fuel bowl there is a brass colored bolt. The metering needle is in the bolt. Remove the bolt, spray the top of the needle with carburetor cleaner and then re-place the bolt.
The needle may not look dirty when you see it. However, a very small amount of fuel that happens to include microscopic debris can actually clog the entire system.