Determining the right grass to grow on your lawn can be a very confusing undertaking. After all there are so many different kinds of grass that are meant to thrive in different weather conditions and thus in different regions of the country.

Winter rye grass is said to be ideal for the northern region of the U.S.
(Courtesy: Blue Poppy at
If you live in a harsh winter region of the United States like the northern section, then many lawn experts suggest you grow winter rye grass. This species of grass is often mixed with fescues and Kentucky bluegrass because of their toughness and ability to deal with a lot of foot traffic. Moreover, winter grasses are ideal for enhance grass growing ability on embankments around a home. Keep in mind, however, that bluegrass is known not to fan out well and it grows in clumped sections. These sections do not interact with each other and the winter rye will not spread or creep in an open patch of clumped grass.
Winter rye grass is said to grow quickly in soil that does not require much preparation and thrives in areas where there is a full sun. During spring winter rye is generally thick and green. However, it doesn’t do well in high heat or extreme cold.
If using seed, lawn experts advise that you read the seed package label carefully because many companies that offer this type of seed will include annual rye grass and that might result in the need to buy seed every year. Still, annual rye grass is recommended for use in over seeding and maintaining a green appearance in the winter when mixed with centipede grass in southern regions of the country.
Winter rye grass is perfect in areas 3-9 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map. It takes five to 10 days to germinate. Ideal mowing height is said to be 3-4-inches. It requires average amounts of water, but it is suggested that you consult with a representative at a local agricultural extension for the proper amount in your area. Winter rye is a low maintenance grass and grows well in loam to clay soil. It has very high tolerance to insects and disease. Lawn care experts suggest that the grass be planted in August to September.