Flowers That Deter Animals

Experienced gardeners know what animals pose a threat to their gardens. What they may not know is that there are flowers that animals would rather avoid.

Animals that present the greatest threat to a garden include:

• Dogs

• Cats

• Deer

• Rabbits

• Rodents

• Raccoons

• Squirrels

Dogs And Cats

Perhaps it is the domesticated animals that present the biggest threat. It’s not surprising that many gardeners own a dog or cat and still continue to pursue their passion. In addition, it is not uncommon for the neighborhood to host a number of dogs and cats.

Being both a passionate gardener and a lover of our favorite furry critters, people who garden would want ways to repel dogs and cats without harming them in any way. The flowers that repel dogs and cats do so with their scent. But what is an extra benefit of these flowers is that us humans can’t detect the scent.

Fritillaries are a perennial flower that grows in Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 to 9. They feature bell-shape blossoms that hang down from the stalk of the flower.

Coleus, often referred to as the Scaredy Cat Plant, grows to as tall as 1 to 2 feet. It displays deep green flora and fragile blue blossoms. This flower also deters dogs and cats due to their smell, which humans can’t detect.

Deer And Rabbits

Herbs including sage, mint, rosemary, dill, and oregano kindly repel deer.

Deer and rabbits are common visitors to gardens of homes in the suburban regions of urban areas. There are flowers that deter deer that have the added benefit of being ingredients for yummy recipes. These include sage, mint, rosemary, dill, and oregano. These flowers keep the deer away, but will attract certain kind of insects due to their bright blooms. Generally annuals, these flowers will have to be replanted every year.

Coneflowers and daylilies are ideal for deterring rabbits. There are several different species of coneflowers and, depending on the specie, they thrive in USDA zones 3 to 9. Coneflowers produce daisy-like blooms in a plethora of different colors. Daylily species include thousands of bulbous types that feature large, cheery buds on the tall stalks. Depending on the type, daylilies flourish in zones 3 to 10 and tolerate full sun and wet soils.


Annual herbs including mint, lavender and catnip repel mice from establishing nests near the base of trees. Amaryllis, lavender and daffodils are perennial plants that deter mice. These flowers grow during the winter and thrive outdoors in zones 9 to 11. These plants display large blossoms at the top of the stalk. The lavender type comprise of evergreen shrubs that produce purple-colored, sweet-smelling blossoms that attract beneficial insects while it shuns away vermin. Depending on the type, lavender flourishes in zones 5 to 9 in partial sunlight. Daffodils deter an assortment of rodents including mice, gophers, and voles. Depending on the species, they thrive in zones 3 through 11. They are perennials that start off as a bulb and grow yellow and white blooms.

Raccoons And Squirrels

Raccoons hate walking across sharp surfaces.

Raccoons have sensitive toes and hate to walk across sharp surfaces. So plants with prickly foliage including squash and oriental poppies can be planted in your garden to protect all the plants from these critters. A member of the gourd family, squash is an annual vegetable; Oriental poppy is a perennial that flourishes in zones 2 to 9. They feature small, bright blossoms in a variety of colors. Daffodils and crown imperials, which are spring season bulbs, will keep squirrels away. They feature fragrant foliage with a musky odor that deer and squirrels hate and grow best in zones 5 to 9.


About Robert Janis

Written by Robert Janis for LawnEq - Your specialists for Lawn Mower Parts and Small Engine Parts. We offer genuine premium OEM parts for Land Pride, Toro and many more dependable manufacturers.