How to Eliminate Wasps

As we all know, May is the time for spring cleaning. One hazardous item that you may come across while doing your spring cleaning is a wasp nest. Certainly, there are those who don’t mind wasps—after all, they prey on other insects and are basically harmless when left alone. However, their nests are unsightly and they can be a real hazard around your little ones, who can be easily frightened by them, thus scaring the wasps in the process. In this post, we review how to safely dispose of wasps and their nests.

wasp nest

We Show You How to Deal with Nests Like This

Trap the wasps

If you have a wasp infestation, one useful approach to take is to remove any and all available food sources and block their entryway. Although you might be tempted to do so, it really isn’t a good idea to swat wasps, since they will release a chemical that will only attract more wasps. Instead, either try to facilitate their escape (through opening up a door or window), or trap them so they die.

Set up a wasp trap

Another approach you can take is to set up a wasp trap. To do this, simply fill a large plastic bottle halfway with water, and fold the top downward so that wasps can’t escape after entering. Then, line the bottle with a sugary substance, which will attract the wasp. After entering they will then drown in the water. Wasp traps will not be effective if you are faced with eliminating an entire nest, but they work well during the spring since they kill adult wasps before the mating season.

What to do with nests

When you encounter a nest, it’s best to try and remove them after dark. Make sure that your skin is covered entirely, and enclose the entire nest with a sealable cloth bag. After the nest is enclosed, seal the bag and submerge it in water.

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