Lawn Care and Allergies

As we progress through April, allergies become more and more intense. Anyone who suffers from allergies knows how frustrating allergies are, causing debilitating headaches, blurred vision, and throat discomfort. Down south and out west, allergy season is already in full bloom, while those living in the east and north will notice allergies more over the coming weeks. In either case, it is important to know that there are lawn care tips you should implement in order to avoid getting struck with this most annoying aspect of spring.


How to Reduce Allergens

Proper mowing reduces allergies

Mowing on a regular basis is one of the easiest ways of limiting the spread of allergens. This is because mowing controls the spread of dust, pollen, and insects. Meanwhile, if you do not mow often enough, the grass will become less thick, allowing for the spread of weeds and pollen. These weeds will in turn attract insects, so keeping your grass under control is one of the most effective approaches to controlling allergens. You do want to make sure that you mow at the highest setting, as this will prevent weeds from receiving the sunlight that they need to really grow.

Be careful when planting

Another easy way of controlling allergens is to plant strategically. Bear in mind that male plants tend to produce pollen, so plant as many female plants and trees as you can. You should also be mindful of which plants tend to feature the most pollen. Oaks, pines, and cedars are especially prolific when it comes to producing pollen, so if you suffer from allergies, you would do well to plant a different species.

Birds are your friends

Birds are a great resource for controlling the spread of allergens. Because they feast on insects, birds will eliminate one of the prime sources for allergen-carriers, so try and invite them onto your lawn. Purchase a bird feeder to lure them onto your property, and then they can pay you back by keeping your insect population down to a minimum.

Allergies are always one of the most uncomfortable aspects of spring, and it is important to recognize that proper lawn care can seriously reduce the amount of allergens on your property. Implement the tips discussed above to help keep yourself allergy-free this spring

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