Dealing with Rust on Lawns

Summer is a time when you want to show off your lawn in all its glory. At the same time, you also have to be on the lookout for lawn diseases and assorted signs of wear and tear. As we progress through the summer months, one issue that you need to watch for is rust on your lawn. You might think of rust as something that occurs to metal, but it can have drastic consequences on the growth of your lawn. In this post, we review what rust looks like on a lawn, as well as its effects and how to prevent it.

Watch Out for Lawn Rust this Time of Year

How do you know when you have rust?

Lawn rust refers to the presence of spores (an orange/yellow powder) on the blades of grass. If you notice that your grass has tinges of orange and yellow on the tips, this means that you likely have rust on your lawn. The disease occurs when weather is dry and it is most prevalent in areas where grass tends to grow slowly. When the weather alternates between warm, humid weather and hot, dry weather, this is when it tends to appear. Unfortunately, many lawn owners mistreat their lawns in ways that unknowingly lead to rust. For example, cutting lawns to short is an easy way of facilitating the emergence of lawn rust, as is failing to water the grass during dry conditions.

Which problems does rust create for your lawn

If you have rust, you can take solace in knowing that it will not kill your lawn. Instead, it tends to weaken the lawn, making it more susceptible to snow mold and other diseases. The disease is not harmful to animals and humans, but you still want to keep pets and children away from it since rust spreads easily and can get tracked into your household. In fact, it spreads in a variety of ways, including through the air, water, and shoes.

How you can prevent rust

There are many prevention methods, but a good rule of thumb is simply to make sure that your lawn doesn’t get dried out. During dry periods, water your lawn, and make sure not to cut the grass too short. Conduct soil tests on a regular basis, and prune trees to ensure strong air circulation. Finally, make sure to use a slow-release fertilizer.

In the catalog of lawn diseases, rust is not the most serious. Even so, it is easy to prevent, so make sure that you keep your lawn well-hydrated and cut at a healthy level. Through careful lawn care, you can be sure that your lawn looks its best and that rust stays clear all summer long.

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