The Lawn Striping System

For many people, lawn care is a real hobby and mowing is one of the highlights of the week. On the other hand, other people view mowing as more of a chore, and might be looking for something to make their mowing more exciting. One device that is really handy in this regard is the lawn striping system, which allows you to mow your grass into patterns. If you’ve ever been to a baseball game and wondered how they achieved the elaborate designs on the

lawn striping system

Create Patterns on Your Lawn with the Lawn Striping System

field, a lawn striping system is the answer.

How does the lawn striping system work?

The lawn striping system requires very little effort to assemble. Simply attack it to you mower with a Philips screwdriver and 20 pounds of sand. The process should only take a few minutes in total, and it will work with or without a bagger attached. The actual process by which the roller blade works is very simple. The roller bends the grass, alternating light and dark shades. Regardless of the pattern you create, you will still receive an even cut, so the lawn striping system causes no damage to your grass. Still, you don’t want to create shapes and designs that are hard to discern, so make sure that you have a pattern in mind before you start mowing. The lawn striping system comes with a pattern guide, so spend some time looking through it before your first attempt.

What types of grass are suitable for the lawn striping system?

Generally, the lawn striping system is most effective with warm grasses. Rye, Fescue, and Bluegrass are all excellent grass varieties. Be mindful that if you have cool grasses, such as Bermuda or Zoysia, the lawn striping system may not be as successful.

In the end, the lawn striping system is just another way of making your lawn mowing that much more fun. With the lawn striping system, you can not only give your grass a great cut, but you can add a little bit of wow factor as well.

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