FAQs – Mowing the Lawn

The lawn mower waits for you. (Courtesy: Ian Symonds at flickr.com)

The lawn mower waits for you.
(Courtesy: Ian Symonds at flickr.com)

Mowing the lawn is not necessary in winter because the grass goes dormant. However, it is always a good time to learn about mowing so that you are ready when the growing season arrives.

Everyone who has done it knows that mowing the lawn can be a boring task, but everyone also understands that it is a chore that needs to be done specifically in the spring and summer. Or does it?

What follows are frequently asked questions from the poor guys who have been assigned the chore of mowing the lawn. The first two questions are from mowers who are looking for excuses not to mow the lawn or at least delay it.

Q: I’m tired of mowing my lawn. Are there viable alternatives? I am thinking about becoming a member of the anti-lawnmower movement!
A: Yeah, there are alternatives. For example, there are ground covers that can be used instead of turf or you can construct or have constructed a wide walkway or create flower beds. There are many homeowners who are substituting their luscious green lawn with a vegetable garden. As a pending member of the anti-lawn movement, you can tell your compatriots about the native plant or xeriscaping movements. Many anti-mowers are going native plants where their lawn should be as well as drought-resistant plants over plants that need more water to avoid watering too. Check out the articles here at Lawneq on xeriscaping plants.

Q: Okay, I accept that I have to mow the lawn. But is there a way I can postpone the inevitable? I would really like to reduce the time I have to invest in lawn care.
A: I feel your pain. However, there is a reason why we do the inevitable as often as we do it. Mowing the lawn on a regular basis during the mowing season assures that the grass stays healthy and has that plush appearance that people like.

Q: What is the best time to mow the lawn?
A: Let’s first consider when you should not mow the lawn. You shouldn’t mow it when the grass is wet because there is a greater chance that disease could be introduced into the lawn. So don’t mow after it rains or in the early morning when there is dew on the grass. A good time to mow is in the late morning of a dry day so that the dew has time to evaporate. Of course, there are times you don’t want to be outside mowing the lawn. For example, you’re not going to want to mow the lawn during a really, really hot day. The interesting thing is that your lawn wouldn’t like it either. Mowing under such conditions creates a lot of stress on the lawn, which could lead to problems. Of course, you don’t want to cut the grass after it gets dark out either. So an alternative to mowing in the late morning of a dry day is to do the chore in the early evening of a dry day.

Q: Is there a right way to mow the lawn?
A: Yes, there is. For example, you should alternate the direction in which you mow the lawn each time you mow it. If you perform the task in the same direction every time you mow your lawn, then you can create a rut in your lawn over time. It also helps to discourage the grass from standing up straight because the lawn mower blade is cutting the grass in the same direction each and every time you mow. Check out our blog on how to mow your lawn for more tips.

Q: Why is sharpening lawn mower blades important to grass health?
A:  Grass is less likely to develop fungal growth or disease when the top is cut cleanly and damage to the grass blade is minimized.

Q: Should I rake grass clippings off the lawn or should I leave them?
A: Clippings become a problem only if you cut the lawn when the grass is too tall or the lawn is wet. When the grass blades are wet or too thick they tend to mat down or stick together and that blocks the flow of air into the lawn. However, if you cut the grass when it is dry and not too high, then the clippings can be left on the lawn without causing any problems because the clippings are very small. If you want to be certain that the clippings don’t have an adverse effect on your lawn you can use a mulching mower rather than a conventional mower. The mulching mower chops the clipping down to a very fine size that will not cause problems to the lawn. Actually, leaving finely cut grass clippings can be beneficial to the lawn. As the clippings decay they introduce nutrients into the soil and permits you to lessen your dependence on chemical fertilizers, which saves you money.







About Robert Janis

Written by Robert Janis for LawnEq - Your specialists for Lawn Mower Parts and Small Engine Parts. We offer genuine premium OEM parts for Land Pride, Toro and many more dependable manufacturers.